Missouri asked, Weedmaps answered: 20 weed FAQs for Missouri stoners

Hemp Cultivation, Processing & Extraction News

In Missouri, the first licensed sales of cannabis occurred on February 3, 2023, and it’s now officially considered a legal cannabis state.

With these new laws set in motion, many Missourians are probably wondering what that means. How much weed are you actually allowed to purchase? How much will it cost? What about the best things to do and see while you experience your first hit of legal weed?

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Below, we answer all these questions and more for the novices, cannasseurs, and everyone in between. Keep scrolling or skip ahead to the section that most interests you:

Practical questions

Stoner curiosities

All things strains

Fun questions

Practical questions

Yes, weed is now legal in Missouri. With recreational sales having kicked off in February 2023, adults 21 and older can possess up to three ounces of dried cannabis at one time, while patients and their caregivers may possess eight ounces, which is considered a 60-day supply. 

If a patient grows their own cannabis, they may possess up to 12 ounces, which is considered a 90-day supply. 

Right now, all cannabis products purchased in Missouri must be consumed in private. 

What is a zip of weed? 

In line with other stoner measurement terms like “dime”, “dub”, “slice”, etc., a “zip” of cannabis is a euphemism for an ounce of weed — so-called because an ounce of cannabis tends to fit perfectly into a Ziploc bag. 

How much is an eighth of weed?

An eighth of weed is equal to 3.5 ounces, which is roughly seven half-gram bowls. And depending on the brand, grow methods, marketing, state taxes, and other regulations, an eighth’s price point can vary across the board

You can usually expect to find an eighth anywhere between $30 – $70.

How do I find the right THC dosage for me?

When it comes to cannabis, every body is different. Depending on your personal endocannabinoid system, you may react to lower doses of THC more than your closest friend, who may not even register medium to high doses of THC despite having little to no built-up tolerance. 

To find the right CBD or THC balance for you, take into consideration the entourage effect, which is the full chemical makeup of the strain you’re consuming — if the packaging has the information, look for terpenes, trichomes, other cannabinoids like CBG or CBN, and the total percentage of the THC and CBD in your cannabis. Or, check out our strains pages for in-depth information on all the strains you’d like to consume. 

When trying cannabis for the first time, the best method is to start low and go slow. Take a hit of low-dose THC, wait a few minutes, take another, wait a few minutes, and so on. Eventually, you’ll find the best strains for your individual body and mind. 

What are cannabis concentrates and how do you consume them?

There are multiple ways to distill cannabis down to its concentrated form. Concentrates range from vaporizer oil to other forms called “shatter”, a brittle, glass-like structure of concentrate, or “rosin”, which is a stickier form of concentrate, and many more. They’re usually consumed in devices called dab rigs or portable vape pens. 

Concentrates tend to be higher in THC or CBD over plain flower, and some forms of concentrates strip the cannabis of its terpenes or other nuances due to the way that it’s processed. Many edible companies favor concentrates since they don’t have a strong weedy taste, which means that the THC can be masked under globs of chocolate or other desirable edible flavors without losing the high effects.  

How do you smoke moon rocks?

Moon rocks are nugs of cannabis flower that have been dipped in a concentrate — usually shatter or hash oil — then rolled in kief, the powder that falls from flower when you grind it down. Kief contains leftover trichomes, terpenes, and cannabinoids. 

Moon rocks are usually very high in THC, and you can consume them by simply adding them to a bowl, blunt, or joint full of regular flower; or, if you’re looking for a more intense experience, smoke them on their own. 

What should you do when you’re too high?

Colloquially known as “greening out”, consuming more weed than you may be ready for can cause unpleasant experiences ranging from headaches, dizziness, and feelings of unease and anxiety. If you find yourself in a state of being too high, there are methods that can get you through it and sober you up. Some of these include chewing on black peppercorns, taking ibuprofen, calling a friend to calm you down, taking a hot shower, and more. 

Remember: there have been zero reported fatalities associated with smoking too much weed. So relax, take a few deep breaths, and know that time will always be on your side. 

What should I do when my vape cartridge is clogged?

(Justin Montano/Weedmaps)

As frustrating as it is, it’s not super uncommon to take a pull on a full vape pen and notice that nothing is coming out. If your vape is jammed and you aren’t getting airflow, there are a number of tricks to try before returning it or throwing it out, including letting the oil get hotter before pulling, cleaning extra residue on the mouthpiece with a needle or similar object, or twisting and untwisting the cartridge so that it’s not so tight. 

How do I clean my pipe?

It’s important to keep your smoking devices clean since burnt, used weed creates a sticky and tar-like mess that can block airflow and harbor bacteria in your glass. To clean a glass pipe, simply mix isopropyl alcohol, coarse salt, and warm water in a bag, add the pipe, and shake vigorously to loosen up any hardened debris. 

For more in-depth cleaning, check out our step-by-step guide for a sparkling accessory collection

How do I make my own weed tincture?

A cannabis tincture is a type of extract that is alcohol-based. If you’d like to make your own tincture to add to homemade edibles and beverages or to simply microdose under the tongue, you’ll just need a few common kitchen supplies. 

Check out our easy guide to making your own weed tincture for all your extract needs. 

Stoner curiosities

Does mango really enhance your high?

Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

Cannabis has a lot of myths — one of those being that eating a mango before getting stoned can enhance the effects of your weed. The idea behind this is that mangos contain high levels of the terpene myrcene, which is the common terpene that causes those feelings of couchlock when partaking. 

Answer? It depends. I know, unsatisfactory. But, it makes for a delicious experiment if you’d like to find out yourself.

Why don’t cannabis edibles ever work for me?

As stated above, every body is different when it comes to cannabis due to an individual’s genetic makeup and the chemicals the body will respond to from any given cannabis strain. Edibles are no different, and with them, you must take in other considerations like digestive issues and how quickly your body metabolizes food and other substances.

For an in-depth response to this question, and the ability to find the edible that may work for you, check out our Ask a Budtender series where Lorena Cupcake answers this very question.

What’s the difference between THCA and THC?

Think of THCA as being the precursor to THC. When cannabis is heated, it decarboxylates, which is the process of removing a carboxyl group from cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. This enhances its ability to interact with your body’s cannabinoid receptors. Essentially, THCA decarboxylates into THC — you can’t get high from THCA. 

What are the 10 stages of being high?

Getting high happens in stages, from the moment you hit your pipe to the slow comedown afterward. 

For an in-depth look at each step of consuming THC, check out this breakdown, which includes the first signs of getting high, to reaching the peak, and everything in-between. 

All things strains

What are the highest-THC strains?

Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

The best weed isn’t necessarily the strongest, especially when taking into account your personal endocannabinoid system. However, we understand that the strongest strains will always get a bit more interest, especially for newcomers thinking about expanding their stash. 

Here, learn about all the highest-THC strains you can find, including famous heavy hitters like GSC and Godfather OG.

What are the best indica strains?

Most cannabis brands adhere to the common labels of “indica”, “sativa”, and “hybrid” when describing certain looks and reported effects of their cannabis. In reality, almost all weed on the market is a hybrid, and you’d be hard-pressed to find any pure indica or sativa strains these days. 

However, if you’re looking to expand your palate and want a nug that delivers that classic indica feel, here are seven strains that may calm your mind and loosen your body, including Northern Lights and 9lb Hammer. 

What are the best strains for arousal?

One effect of smoking certain cannabis strains is heightened sexual arousal, possibly due to weed’s tendency to exacerbate the senses in general. If you and your partner have been thinking about incorporating weed in the bedroom, consider these cultivars recommended by sex experts, which are thought to get you and your love in the mood. 

Fun questions

What are the best questions to contemplate while high?

Looking to blow your own mind while partaking? High thoughts are sometimes the best thoughts which can lead to an expansion of creativity and cognition. 

If you’re bored or just want to contemplate the existence of life itself, consider asking yourself these questions the next time you take a few hits off your favorite bong

What are the best shows to watch high?

Getting high and watching TV is an excellent way to wind down or expand your show-watching experience. From binge-worthy dramas to gut-busting comedies, there’s a strain and television program for every type of cannabis consumer

What are the best games to play high?

Getting stoned with your friends? Why not throw some party games into the mix and see how clever you can be while copping a buzz. 

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