Former Arkansas governor sues Facebook over ads that used his likeness to promote CBD

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Hemp Today reports

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has sued the owner of Facebook, saying the social media giant hosted bogus online ads which falsely depict him promoting CBD.

The lawsuit, against Meta Platforms Inc., is over advertising that used Huckabee’s name and image to flog Fortin brand CBD gummies, and identified him as CEO of the company that makes the product.

According to the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in the state of Delaware, where Meta is registered, Facebook allowed an ad that mimicked a Fox News web page suggesting Huckabee was leaving his show on Trinity Broadcasting Network, a religious channel, because of an autoimmune disease for which he was taking Fortin CBD gummies as an alternative to opioids and painkillers.

“As a God-fearing Christian, I would never in my life take drugs of any kind,” according to one quotation Huckabee said is falsely attributed to him. “CBD is completely safe, but the negative stigma around it meant there was still a problem with the CBD products on the market.”

‘A greater purpose’

According to the lawsuit, other ads suggested Huckabee was leaving Trinity to pursue “[a] greater purpose . . . ­– to endorse and promote Fortin CBD gummies,” and that CBD had delivered him “a miracle” that “ helped him turn his life around.”

One advertisement claims that Huckabee’s “main challenge in selling the CBD gummies is that demand exceeds supply because Plaintiff’s ‘CBD wellness line is not only 90% cheaper but also five times more effective than similar offerings from Bayer and other Big Pharma Companies.’”


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