
This story first appeared at Marijuana Business Daily. The development of new genetic-editing technology offers cannabis companies a cost-effective way to make specific changes to marijuana and hemp plants – such as more disease resistance – without creating a genetically modified organism. The technology, known as Crispr-Cas9, will allow the cannabis industry to build new,
Jillian Hishaw (Editor’s note: This story is part of a recurring series of commentaries from professionals connected to the hemp industry. Jillian Hishaw is an agricultural strategist and former U.S. Department of Agriculture Adjudicator of the Office to the Assistant Secretary of Civil Rights. She’s now Founder & CEO of Family Agriculture Resource Management Services
(This opinion column appears in the February issue of Marijuana Business Magazine.) Everyone in the hemp industry knows the story of Charlotte’s Web: A group of well-meaning brothers working under Colorado’s medical marijuana system developed a cannabis strain that worked miracles on a sick little girl named Charlotte. Word spread about the awe-inspiring results of
(A version of this story appears in the February issue of Marijuana Business Magazine.) From mom-and-pop shops to corporate chains, everyone in the retail business knows that a carefully chosen location is key to success. The cannabis industry is no exception. Although regulatory requirements, license availability and market demand will vary from place to place,
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York Crediting the CBD company’s forthrightness, a federal judge in New York federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Massachusetts-based Curaleaf from investors who argued the company misled them about legality of its CBD products. The investors sued when Curaleaf’s share price fell in 2019 after
The National Football League and its players’ union have requested industry research on CBD and other cannabinoids for pain management. The NFL says it is looking for information about “alternatives to opioids in routine pain management.” The request mentions CBD but is open to research on other cannabinoids. The request issued Wednesday also mentions research
Hemp farmers have a number of choices and sources for the varieties they will plant in 2021. But if they’re electing to use seed-propagated varieties, there are several criteria that growers should consider in selecting genetics. Jeremy Klettke, founder, CEO and head plant breeder at Davis Farms of Oregon in Portland, outlined basic requirements growers