
NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. While cannabis and CBD are an emerging field of study, their associated health effects remain inconclusive and unsupported by current scientific evidence. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here: http://storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf Ryan
Medical marijuana has been promoted as an effective treatment option for certain diseases such as Glaucoma. But how and what makes marijuana a credible and effective treatment option? http://www.blog.contactlensking.com/Treating-Glaucoma-With-Marijuana.php http://www.blog.contactlensking.com
Bei Cannabis denken viele zunächst an ein Rauschmittel. Dabei ist uns seine heilende Kraft seit Jahrtausenden bekannt. Leistungssportler z.B. schwören auf seine Muskel entspannende Wirkung. Ein junges Unternehmen möchte jetzt mit allen Vorurteilen nachhaltig aufräumen und setzt auf Cannabis-Produkte aus Deutschland… Life Goes On: MO-FR um 17 Uhr auf Welt der Wunder TV #cannabis #cbd
Christine Roussel, PharmD, BCOP, Doylestown Health Associate Director of Pharmacy, reviews several important facts about medical marijuana, pros/cons, and how a patient may become certified to use. Learn more about Doylestown Health at: https://www.doylestownhealth.org/?utm_source=dh&utm_medium=youtube&utm_campaign=doylestown-health