
CBD is a hot topic of discussion around the country. The promise of benefits from a cannabinoid without the side effects of THC has legislators, patients and medical professionals looking for more answers. This panel will explore the various claims regarding CBD and clarify appropriate policies moving forward. • Jahan Marcu, Ph.D. • Dean Petkanas
Watch more Marijuana Facts & Medical Marijuana videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/506382-Can-Marijuana-Help-Chemotherapy-Marijuana The use of marijuana to mitigate the effects of chemotherapy has been around for almost 30 years or more in the United States. In fact, the very first wave of medical marijuana laws were in the 70’s and early 80’s and they were geared toward patients
CBD oil is incredible in its many healing capabilities.. Pick up your Bottle of the BEST CBD oil today @ http://bit.ly/cbdmarijuanaexperts 5 OF THE MOST UNIQUE CBD FACTS YOU PROBABLY NEVER KNEW 1. CBD CAN COME FROM BOTH HEMP AND MARIJUANA With so much misinformation on the internet about CBD, a common misconception is that
Watch more Marijuana Facts & Medical Marijuana videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/506384-Does-Marijuana-Affect-Mental-Illness-Marijuana Marijuana and Mental Illness There are three things to think about when it comes to marijuana and mental illness. 1. Can marijuana cause mental illness? 2. Can marijuana be used to treat mental illness? 3. Can the way our society treats marijuana itself cause mental illness?
Source: https://popularcbdbrands.com/how-to-use-cbd-oil-the-facts/ To begin with, let us talk about the protection of Hemp. Hemp really has a positive safety profile, and that only means it is safe to work with and won’t be hazardous in larger amounts. The WHO is an global organization such as our FDA who appears after general health issues. WHO published