
Demystifying Medical Marijuana in New York: Implications for Mental Health and Drug Treatment Providers The New School for Social Research based in New York City, offers master’s and doctoral programs in psychology, anthropology, economics, philosophy, politics, and sociology; interdisciplinary master’s programs in historical studies and liberal studies. THE NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH |
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(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* With all of these isolated cannabinoids becoming increasingly popular, I thought i’d bring us back to the basics with a CBD education video! Leaf Remedys sent over a ton of STRONG CBD over my way, so I was inspired to dive deep into the topic. [MY SOCIAL MEDIA] → Twitter:
Murray State University hosted its Agricultural Hemp Field Day on September 19, 2019. The event included field tours, updates and panel discussions on the crop and Murray State’s lead in hemp education.  The University’s leadership within the area of hemp exploration is historic and diverse within higher education. Murray State planted the first legal agricultural
Published Date: April 17, 2021 An MS Views and News educational program: Dr. Ben Thrower, MD of Neurology at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Ga, discusses Cannabis and Multiple Sclerosis. Plus expertly answers questions during the Q&A which follows his presentation. This educational program was supported by: Biogen and Bristol-Myers Squibb “““““““““““““““““““““““““““` Visit the MS
Learn how to properly use CBD with this expert-reviewed guide from wikiHow: — Licensed Naturopathic Doctor Aimée Shunney teaches us about CBD: what it is, and how to use it. She attended the National College of Naturopathic Medicine where she received her naturopathic medical degree in 2001. She currently sees patients at Santa Cruz