
Can needlepoint help normalize weed? Goodness knows that the devil’s lettuce has never looked less threatening than when stitched in thread. Cannabis embroidery amounts to more than just kitschy cottage-core decor; it’s a welcome departure from the “stoner aesthetic” that is so often stereotyped by old tie-dye t-shirts and dated comedy specials. Below, check out
Lorena Cupcake, voted “best budtender in Chicago,” has answered hundreds of questions from cannabis shoppers and patients during their time as a budtender. And now they’re turning that experience into a monthly advice column, Ask a budtender. Got a question for Cupcake? Submit your questions to Dear Cupcake, 20-plus year weed enthusiast here, asking
When we use our hard-earned holiday coin to patronize BIPOC-owned cannabusinesses, we diversify more than our stash boxes. Supporting BIPOC-owned companies ensures diverse representation in an industry that has been historically and violently inhospitable to Black and Brown folks. It also reinvests in the BIPOC future and community, potentially inspiring a new generation of cannabis